erhu virtuoso


Hao Zheng’s musical journey began at the age of six when he embarked on learning the erhu. His exceptional talent quickly earned him a coveted spot at the Primary School of Nanjing Academy of Arts, an institution renowned for nurturing young talents in the performing arts. Hao’s stage experience flourished as he toured both China and overseas, performing with ensembles and as a soloist. Motivated by his passion for music, he decided to further his studies at the conservatory affiliated with Nanjing University of the Arts.

In 1995, Hao made Australia his new home and has since captivated audiences with his performances in numerous prestigious concerts, festivals, and music events. Notable highlights include appearances on ABC’s The Music Deli, the Melbourne Festival, the Port Fairy Folk Music Festival, and the Four Winds Festival.

Hao’s exceptional musicianship has drawn the attention of diverse composers. In 2008, he was invited by renowned Australian film music composer David Hirschfelder to record soundtracks for the Hollywood blockbuster movie The Children of Huang Shi, starring Chow Yun Fat and Michelle Yeoh. In 2010, he recorded soundtracks for the film The Dragon Pearl, featuring Sam Neill, with music composed by another accomplished Australian film music composer, Frank Strangio.

In 2012, Hao showcased his talent alongside members of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, performing Horse Racing, an erhu solo work arranged by the Australian composer Julian Yu. In October 2019, Hao premiered Translations, a composition by Stuart Greenbaum for erhu, recorder, and string quartet, accompanied by Flinders Quartet and recordist Genevieve Lacey. This remarkable performance was recorded by ABC Classic for archival purposes and future broadcasts.

Since 1997, Hao has been an integral member of the Australian Chinese Ensemble. His extensive repertoire encompasses both traditional and contemporary pieces, promoting an amalgamation of Eastern and Western musical styles. Additionally, he is a co-founder of Allegro Academy of Music, a music school dedicated to nurturing young talent.

郑浩, 澳籍华裔二胡演奏家被誉为澳洲自己的二胡演奏艺术家。6岁开始学习二胡,很快就显露出在音乐演奏方面的天赋。曾经担任南京艺术小学(南京小红花艺术团)独奏演员,随团走访了众多国家,参与了许多高规格演出。随后考入南京艺术学院音乐系附中继续深造。上世纪九十年代来澳定居,后取得了墨尔本大学电子工程通信专业学士学位。


“与浩一起演奏真的是非常能够激发灵感。 他天生的音乐才能和对声音感知带领我们进入了一些新的音乐方向。 作为一名出众的表演者,他的演奏魅力和感召力完全吸引了我们的观众。”  Zoe Knighton, Flinders Quartet

除了音乐会演奏的形式之外,他多年来还经常参与澳广ABC的一些音乐栏目节目录制。同时他也受邀参与多部电影配乐的创作录制。他为周润发与杨紫琼主演的好莱坞电影“黄石的孩子”录制了相关配乐;还有Sam Neil主演的“龙珠”等。

郑浩扎实的中西音乐素养使他的演奏张弛有度,对各类作品的演绎精准到位且极具感染力,总能在不同文化背景的听众中产生共鸣。2019年10月,作为特邀艺术家与弗林德斯四重奏 (The Flinders Quartet) 和世界著名竖笛演奏家 Genevieve Lacey 共同首演了“译文”,取得了空前的成功。这部由墨尔本音乐学院 Stuart Greenbaum 教授专门为二胡,竖笛与四重奏创作的新作品,作为目前此类六重奏世界唯一作品现已被澳广播ABC Classic FM频道录制下来进行广播并永久保存。

在演奏之余多年来郑浩一直致力于音乐教育,创办了 “皓二胡教研室” 和 Allegro Academy of Music 音乐学校。

"Hao’s masterful erhu really elevated THE CHILDREN OF HUANG SHI score, breathings life into the main themes with a distinctive and soulful Chinese voice. Hao was a delight to work with, a gentleman, true artist and thorough professional. To have an erhu player of such virtuosity living in Melbourne is a great blessing."

– David Hirschfelder

"Hao’s masterful erhu really elevated THE CHILDREN OF HUANG SHI score, breathings life into the main themes with a distinctive and soulful Chinese voice. Hao was a delight to work with, a gentleman, true artist and thorough professional. To have an erhu player of such virtuosity living in Melbourne is a great blessing."

David Hirschfelder


Three Private Recordings

"It was incredibly inspiring to work with Hao. His innate musicianship and sense of sound led us in new musical directions. As a performer, he totally wooed our audience with charm and charisma."

Flinders Quartet

The Instrument


Erhu (二胡) is probably the most well known and beloved Chinese string instrument. It’s not an overstatement that almost everyone that has heard the sound of this instrument is immediately drawn to its unique tone.


What People are Saying

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